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Showing posts from July, 2013

Let The Countdown Begin

I was asking a lot of people if I really need to create our very own wedding blog. I planned to open one initially but then laziness won. So I shall continue to update you here in my good OLD blog and hope that I'll be able to update this blog as often as I can. :) So... we got engaged last March 17. My birthday. As what we have been doing for the past years, when the celebrant can't think of anything to do or a place to go to on his/her birthday, the other one is required to plan for it. So that's exactly what happened on my birthday this year. My plan was to have lunch with my family - we had a hearty celebration at Dad's/Kamayan/Saisaki - then dinner plans was made by Arvic and me being my spoiled self wanted a surprise celebration. My only request... Surprise me with a new place. :) He brought me here.... He said he wanted to have dinner on a Cruise and so we did just that. I was happy he managed to plan this out.. impressive! Dinner was just okay --- a piece ...