This time last year, I was celebrating this special day for mothers with our little munchkin still inside my tummy. I felt I had the right to co-celebrate with all amazing moms (and dad-moms, lolo/lola-moms, sibling-moms etc) of the world because technically I'm a mom already. Little did I know that being a mom is far from what I imagined it to be. Spoiler: IT'S WAY BETTER! :) After giving birth, I was exhausted. Happy, relieved, and just plain exhausted. It was a grueling almost 24 hours of "labor". I was brought to the hospital around 6AM on the 27th, hoping that I will give birth a couple of hours later so I was pretty sure our little boy's birthday will be July 27. It took me a whole day of waiting, monitoring, cm-checking and "doc wala pa ba talaga" questioning before finally seeing our little one the morning after at 5:55AM. This year, I am definitely, solidly, officially, proudly a mom on mother's day. Everyday I thank God for this b...
It's been a while since I blogged. I can't say I miss it that much. Instagram, twitter and Facebook posts took over the blog world. I guess it's the accessibility and because you need not think about templates and color palettes for the layout. Anyway, going back to the title of this post - When was the last time I felt super? Well.. I traveled to Denver alone this September. It was a week long business trip. I was trying hard to convince my husband to come with me but failed because he had work too and couldn't take the time off. This is not the first time for me to travel alone but what made this different is that it was the first time for me to travel after getting married. For some reason, it did feel different not having that constant person with me aka the hubby. I felt super because I survived it. I did get homesick after office hours while I was alone at the hotel and walking around Denver downtown. It was an experience to be stopped by a number of homeles...